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Charles Town club gives $22,000

By Staff | Dec 20, 2013

The Charles Town Rotary Club, at their regular weekly meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 3, distributed proceeds from their Christmas for Charities fundraiser.

The event, an annual one for the club, was held at the Hollywood Casino at Charles Town Races on Nov. 2.

“We were able to raise $22,700 which was given to 24 charities in Jefferson County,” said Carol Kable, who headed up the event.

The night’s festivities featured a buffet dinner in the ballroom at the casino where diners participated in a variety of activities aimed at raising funds for the charities. A live auction and a silent auction continued as traditional portions of the night’s event. In addition, attendees joined in a rousing game of fast-moving bingo where winners had to keep track of numbers called quick-style in two simultaneous games. Prizes for the bingo games were donated by multiple local businesses and individuals, making a win something special.

In addition one of the guests, at the event received $500 cash Bingo prize for a special cover all game. Kim Hall was the lucky recipient.

If the auctions and bingo were not enough to gather folks’ attention, a corn hole tournament also rounded up additional funds.

The Club donated the event’s proceeds of $22,700 to various charitable and community service entities in the county including, but not limited to, all the local fire departments, Hospice, Good Shepherd Caregivers, Young Lives, the Red Cross, the Old Opera House, the Boys & Girls Club, Eastern Panhandle Free Clinic and Jefferson County Community Ministries.

The Rotary Club honored the recipients by inviting them to their lunch meeting to disburse the funds. Many expressed their many thanks for the money as there are so many in need especially at this time of year.