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Jan. 15 birding to focus on waterfowl

By Staff | Jan 6, 2014

The Potomac Valley Audubon Society will sponsor a birding trip to various Jefferson County sites on Wednesday, Jan. 15.

The trip will begin at 7:30 a.m. and last about 3.5 hours. It will focus on waterfowl wintering over in the area, and it will mostly involve driving to various ponds and riverfront sites, with little walking. It will be free and anyone with an interest is welcome to come along, regardless of their birding skills. Children will be welcome. Pre registration is strongly encouraged but not required. To register, go to the Society’s website at www.potomacaudubon.org.

Participants should plan to meet before 7:30 a.m. in the parking lot in front of the Martin’s Supermarket in the Jefferson Crossroads Shopping Center off Route 340 in Charles Town.

Everyone should dress appropriately for the prevailing weather conditions and bring along water.

PVAS will provide binoculars for those who do not have their own.

For more information or to check on possible weather cancellations, contact the trip leader, Jim Farley, at jamesfarley@frontiernet.net or 540-686-2056.