Town officials look ahead
Moving forward into 2014, Shepherdstown officials have set some goals for the town and their role in leading.
Mayor Jim Auxer shared, “For 2014 I resolve to improve in providing all services to our residents and customers in an efficient, courteous and cost-effective manner. I further resolve that I will continue to maintain the fiscal stability of our town and plan for its future.”
Chiming in on fiscal stability and the economy, council member Bane Schill said, “I want to see the end of empty storefronts in town and a booming economy.”
Karene Motivans shared, “I have two New Year’s resolutions for Shepherdstown – one is how I live as a resident, and the other is how I can contribute in my capacity on Town Council.”
Expanding on those resolutions, Motivans said, “I want to reduce our home energy use and demonstrate that there are solutions for living in an historic home sustainably. I’ll be asking others in town to share their strategies.” She continued by saying, “Currently the town is drafting a new Comprehensive Plan to guide future decision-making for the next 20 years. I want to make sure we have as much public participation as possible to create a plan that represents us all. I will make sure that Town ordinances support the new plan.”
David Rosen, council member, also has goals for the town. He explained that his four goals include:
Completing our comprehensive plan; implementing a mobile parking payment system; raising funding for an outdoor gym for one of our parks and establishing our urban growth boundary and have the County approve.
Town Recorder Lori Robertson simply stated that her goal is “to continue to promote a healthy planet and lifestyle for Shepherdstown by getting the 480 Bike Path built finally!!”
David Springer shared that his goals include “Starting construction on a Morgans Grove Bike/Pedestrian Path safely linking the town with the park; creating a Parking Facility in town to finally alleviate parking problems and encouraging and then welcoming a surge of new volunteers to the various town government boards and committees