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Call for Entries: Berkeley Arts Council Quilt and Fiber Art Exhibit

By Staff | Jan 13, 2014

The Berkeley Arts Council announces its first quilt & fiber art exhibit, “Connecting Threads”. It welcomes entries from artists of all levels and skills. Beginners are welcome and encouraged to enter. This is a non-juried exhibit open to all quilters/fiber artists residing in the following eight Eastern Panhandle counties of West Virginia; Berkeley, Jefferson, Morgan, Hampshire, Hardy, Grant, Mineral and Pendleton.

The exhibit will be displayed at the Berkeley Art Works gallery, 116 North Queen Street in Martinsburg, from Feb. 13 through Mar. 9. There will be an opening reception Friday, Feb. 15, 5-7 p.m.

Entries must be constructed and quilted by person (s) named on the entry form. Items submitted for this exhibition must have been completed within the last four (4) years. The deadline for submission is Jan. 30.

In conjunction with the exhibit, the Art Works will offer the workshop “Taming Those Terrible Threads”, a workshop taught by fabric artist Sue Moats. The workshop will be Feb. 8 from 1-4 p.m. at the Berkeley Art Works.

Details about the exhibit and registration information are at artworks.berkeleyartswv.org/threads/. Details about the workshop are at artworks.berkeleyartswv.org/ workshops/.

For more information email threads@berkeleyartswv.org or call 304-620-7277.