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Yoga Classes to benefit Open Minds Foundation

By Staff | Aug 11, 2014

In the spirit of karma yoga, or giving back in selfless service, Jala Yoga will offer $5 classes on each Sunday in August from 3-4 p.m. to benefit a new not-for-profit organization, the Open Minds Foundation. Classes will alternate between Jala’s Shepherdstown and Charles Town locations and be taught by different instructors each week. Space is first come, first served, and payment is by cash only.

The Open Minds Foundation is an organization serving at-risk youth in high poverty communities in Maryland and West Virginia. Through yoga, mindful eating practices, nature education, contemplative arts and music, and mentoring, young people will learn emotional management skills needed to navigate life’s challenges and sustain mental health and happiness.

“Jala Yoga is pleased to be able to support like-minded organizations working to improve the lives of all people,” Jala owner Christa Mastrangelo Joyce said. “We encourage people to experience the joy of practicing yoga with others while benefiting our local community.”

The alternating schedule is as follows: Aug. 3 – Charles Town (307 West Washington St.); Aug. 10 – Shepherdstown (117 West German St.); Aug. 17 – Charles Town; Aug. 24 Shepherdstown; Aug. 31 – Charles Town.

For more information, visit www.jalayogaflow.com or call 401-440-0279.