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A Shepherd Village

By Staff | Aug 22, 2014

A Shepherdstown Area Independent Living (SAIL) looks to build a village.

At the last Brown Bag Luncheon, SAIL member Judy Moore discussed the imitative “Shepherd Village,” a potential senior living housing development situated here in Shepherdstown.

A former real estate broker, Moore has helped spearhead the effort to use an undeveloped property on East German St. toward River Road.

“We don’t want to leave Shepherdstown,” she said explaining the development’s intent.

“A lot of our members and friends have already had to do that.”

Moore described the potential new neighborhood as “something fully integrated with Shepherdstown.”

The over 55 community would sit on 19 acres or six parcels of land, annexed into the town in 2008.

Meant to be a departure from traditional suburban subdivisions, Moore described a community that would consist of 40 to 45 units, clustered with minimal roads and at least one parking space per unit.

Modeled after the “co-housing,” concept, the village would be designed to promote community.

“It’s about looking out for each other, which is what people in Shepherdstown already do,” she said.

The development may include a “common house,” where members could congregate and socialize.

Moore said village members would be expected to remain active and involved, maintaining development upkeep and continuing to contribute publicly, well into old age.

She noted that the development would not be an assisted living facility or senior care facility, but would go beyond ADA accessibility in terms of design, to fit the potential needs of its residents.

So far 11 SAIL members have been researching the potential project.

Moore told the group Friday morning that the project’s success will depend on a “participatory process.”

An LLC has been established with members so far contributing funds toward research and development.

Moore said construction financing will be further explored as the group grows.

New membership is being offered to SAIL members at two levels.

“Explore,” membership is 90 day trial membership, open to those interested in learning more and working on specific projects.

The “equity membership” is a full time membership.

Current “equity” members in the development have invested approximately $7,500 to the project.

Moore said LLC members would like to see 70 percent of the units filled before construction can begin, and a fall 2015 groundbreaking is their goal.

For more information about Shepherd Village contact Moore at mjlmoore@frontiernet.net.

Find more information about SAIL visit their web site at sail.clubexpress.com.