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Cafe Society to discuss crisis management

By Staff | May 25, 2015

The Cafe Society, which is part of Shepherd University’s Life Long Learning Program will hold its next discussion on May 26. The focus will be on “Crisis Management.” These weekly discussions are held from 8:30 to 10 a.m. in the Rumsey Room of the Shepherd University Student Center. Pre-registration is not required and there are no fees or charges.

Mike Austin, who facilitates the sessions along with Art Wineburg, commented that the group has just concluded three interesting sessions on public health issues and the crisis management topic is a logical follow on.

Austin explained that the sessions are entirely focused on through discussions and exchanges of views on a particular topic and do not attempt to draw conclusions or pursue a particular agenda.

He said, “I will draw upon my careers as a naval officer specializing in politico-military affairs, and as FEMA’s Planning Officer and Senior Advisor on International Affairs to launch the discussion. We will attempt to concentrate on what impact crisis management issues might have on our Shepherdstown Community and how the U.S. system works at the local, state, and national levels. It is hard to predict where our dialog will take us, but I am sure it will be stimulating. We live in perilous times.”

For more information contact Mike Austin at (304) 876-0598 or michael.austin@frontiernet.net.