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Cafe Society topic Tuesday: Unemployment

By Staff | May 29, 2015

Next Tuesday, June 2. the Cafe Society will be discussing “Unemployment: is it largely an economic or a social problem?” This series of weekly discussions, which are part of the Shepherd University Life Long Learning program are held from 8:30 to 10 a.m. in the Rumsey Room in the Shepherd University Student Center. Pre-registration is not required and there are no charges. Coffee is available and the discussions are free ranging.

Mike Austin, who is a co-facilitator of the sessions with Art Wineburg commented, “We thought this would be a productive topic since unemployment and the state of the economy will undoubtedly be important issues as the growing list of Presidential candidates try to find support. I am sure that a number of related topics will emerge. Many of our participants have a wide range of experiences and professional insights to share. I hope more members of the community will join us.”

For more information, contact Mike Austin at 304-876-0598 or michael.austin@frontiernet.net.