Really Really Free Market coming June 7
The RRFM will be held Sunday, June 7 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on King Street. The Really Really Free Market is a community wide sharing event in which every item brought to the market is considered absolutely free, no buying selling or trading allowed. One may take as much as they care and are not required to make a donation to take anything.
Please deposit Items at the designated check-in table. Almost all items are welcome at the RRFM but please refrain from bringing “trash” to the market. Items such as old paints, tires, broken appliances, child’s car seats and or toxic/degraded industrial chemicals will not be accepted and should be disposed of properly somewhere else. Also, if donating clothing, furniture or fabrics please ensure it is clean. All unclaimed items will be donated to or other charities/thrift stores at the conclusion of the market. Please drop off Items at the designated drop off areas. The RRFM is located in the heart of Shepherdstown at 104 North King Street , directly in front of Shepherdstown City Hall in the street.
For more information contact Robert Glenn at 304-839-9317 or via e-mail at Or visit us on Facebook at The Shepherdstown Really Really Free Market.