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Widmyer to appear at book signing Thursday

By Staff | Jun 15, 2015

Lyn Widmyer, author of Chasing Votes: I Got Elected, Now What? will be at Four Seasons Books, 116 W. German St., Shepherdstown, on Thursday, June 18 at 7 p.m.

Lyn will share some experiences from her six years as a county commissioner and offer some advice on how to succeed as a community activist. Refreshments and lots of humor will be served.

After three decades of holding important elected offices such as treasurer of the Charles Town Jr. High Band Boosters, Lyn Widmyer made the leap in 2008 to run for a seat on the Jefferson County, West Virginia County Commission. All those years of being a community activist paid off. She won.

Widmyer’s latest book,Chasing Votes: I Got Elected, Now What? is both a humorous and informative look back on her six years as a county commissioner. Widmyer recounts some of the more unusual responsibilities of a local politician, such as measuring a woman’s cleavage to check for violations of the State of West Virginia obscenity laws. She recounts why her campaign succeeded, offers suggestions for anyone thinking of running for office, and describes key issues facing Jefferson County.

The book also includes advice for those who want to make a difference at the local level After interacting with the county commission for 30 years as a civic activist and then serving for six years as a county commissioner, Widmyer has learned what works and what doesn’t when dealing with local elected officials. Three chapters of her book — “Lessons Learned,” “How to Make a Difference” and “Final Thoughts” — offer suggestions and insights about how to successfully lobby local officials for change.

Chasing Votes: I Got Elected, Now What? is Widmyer’s second book in a planned three-book trilogy. Her first book, Chasing Cows: I’m Not in the Suburbs Anymore, is a humorous account of becoming a farm wife after being raised on Air Force bases around the world where the family dog was her sole exposure to livestock. Widmyer is already at work on the third memoir: Chasing Pills: I Must be Old, I Have a Pill Dispenser.

Contact Information: Lyn Widmyer, lynwidmyer@gmail.com

or 301-279-3201.