Globalization is next Cafe Society topic
The next session of the Cafe Society will be held in the Potomac Room of the Shepherd University Student Center on June 30. The discussions, which are conducted under auspices of the Shepherd University Lifelong Learning Program are held from 8:30 to 10 a.m. each Tuesday morning. The program is now in its second year and is continuing at the request of participants through the summer break.
Mike Austin, co-facilitator along with Art Wineburg commented,:”This Globalization topic is almost inescapable these days. No matter what issue we select, we inevitably have to deal with it in widely divergent areas of political, economic, and social concerns. So we will kick on the next set of discussions, by considering ‘How to deal with Globalization.’ The current crisis with the Greek Government’s problems within the European Union structure and the direct impact on savings and investments here at home, is a good case in point. It is fascinating to see how much insight members of our Shepherdstown community have on international affairs.”
Contact Mike Austin at 304-876-0598 or Art Wineburg at 304-876-2586 if you have questions or desire more information. There are no fees or registration requirements for participation in the Cafe Society discussion.