Save the date for Shepherdstown Rotary’s annual Christmastime charity event
The Rotary Club of Shepherdstown will hold its 2015 annual Christmastime “Our Ball, Your Charity” event on Friday, Dec. 4 from 7-11 p.m. at the Shepherdstown Fire Hall.
Planning for the event is underway now, and a call for area nonprofit organizations to participate will be coming soon.
The event is sponsored differently than most other charity balls. Individual Rotarians and community members help underwrite it by sponsoring tables on behalf of nonprofit organizations they support.
The proceeds from these sponsorships cover most of the event’s overhead costs; contributions from local businesses cover the remainder.
The nonprofit organizations that have been designated as table beneficiaries then get to keep all the proceeds from the tickets sold for their table or tables.
Each table is also given the opportunity to participate in a silent auction, and all the auction proceeds go to the designated nonprofit organizations as well.
In all, this event has raised a total of $174,952 for mostly local charities since the Shepherdstown Club adopted the “Our Ball Your Charity” format in 2008.
For more information, contact Rotarian Peter Corum at or 304-283-2467.