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Budget 101: Everything you wanted to know about how the county budget process works but were afraid to ask

By Staff | Sep 11, 2015

The League of Women Voters of Jefferson County is pleased to sponsor two community forums on county taxes and the budget process.

The first forum is scheduled on Thursday, Sept. 24, at 7 p.m. at the Robert Byrd Legislative Center in Shepherdstown. Ora Ash, director of the Local Government Services Division for the West Virginia State Auditor, will be the speaker. Mr. Ash will describe what his office looks for when approving county budgets and will highlight trends in county budgets across the state.

The second forum will be held in October (a date has not been set) and will focus on the budget process in Jefferson County.

The most important function of the Jefferson County Commission is preparing an annual budget. Last year the county budget totaled $26 million, of which roughly one-half came from property taxes. Many residents are unclear about how the budget is prepared or how their tax dollars are allocated to different county functions. These forums are intended to help local residents become more involved in the budget process and be better prepared to testify at any county commission public hearings on the budget.

The League of Women Voters works to encourage informed and active participation in the democratic process through voter registration, education and the promotion of fair, active and open government. The League of Women Voters of Jefferson County, WV neither supports nor opposes candidates but is engaged in local, state, and national issues of importance to the community. For more information see lwv-jcwv.org/