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Cafe Society to discuss our obligations to the Shepherdstown community

By Staff | Oct 16, 2015

The Cafe Society, a part of Shepherd University’s Life Long Learning Program will hold its next discussion on Oct. 20. The topic will be “What are our obligations to the Shepherdstown Community?” These weekly discussions are held from 8:30 to 10 a.m. in the Rumsey Room of the Shepherd University Student Center each Tuesday morning. They are continuing on an informal basis through the summer break. Pre-registration is not required and there are no fees or charges.

Mike Austin, one of the facilitators commented, “We have discussed a number of wide ranging topics covering world events and major issues but most of them are so profound and pervasive that we can do little about them that would have a direct and immediate impact. So, we decided to examine how and where we can make a tangible difference right here in our own community that affects our quality of life and makes our essential contributions in this democratic society. It is more than just a casual excursion into civic beatitudes. This is our home, our workplace, our school, our social environment where we enjoy many rights and privileges but, there are inherent responsibilities. What should we be doing to keep Shepherdstown the special place that it is?”

He also said, “Most people agree that we live in a remarkable community and enjoy a quality of life that far exceeds even the fondest expectations of many others in the world. But we can’t rely on inertia to keep it that way. There is growing concern that the U.S. will be unable to sustain the high standard of living and quality of life that we have enjoyed since the end of World War II. A number of adjustments and reprioritization will be needed, are and will be made with or without our participation. We have in Shepherdstown the human, economic, and material resources to make a difference, to lead by example but everyone in the community has a role to play. That is part of the impetus behind Cafe Society to engage a wider range of people, young and old in keeping the vision of what can and should be done fresh and relevant.”

For more information contact Mike Austin at 304-876-0598 or michael.austin@frontiernet.net.