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County health department sponsors initiative

By Staff | Nov 20, 2015

‘Moving Forward’ is an integrative health initiative sponsored by the Jefferson County Health Department (JCHD) of Jefferson County.

This innovative program focuses on helping clients alleviate symptoms caused by stress-related conditions. Participants suffering from substance abuse, chronic pain, addictions, grief or other mental health issues may find this integrative health approach particularly beneficial in their recovery.

The program consists of nine treatment sessions utilizing acupuncture or acupressure, mindfulness related stress reduction and group processes. Sessions will occur weekly and last three hours each. A celebration of completion of the program will be held with a graduation gathering in the ninth week.

Participants are sought for this important initiative. The JCHD will sponsor its fourth of these 9-week courses in the beginning of the year (after the holidays). The clinic dates, held on Tuesdays from 5:30-8:30 pm in Charles Town, will be announced when we have sufficient applicants.

Candidates who are 18 years of age & older (legal emancipation may be considered);who are in recovery; or who are willing & committed to attend all nine weekly sessions are sought.

The ‘Moving Forward De-Stress’ Pilot Initiative is primarily grant funded. This program is not covered by insurance. Participants are asked for a modest donation of $10 per session/ meeting.

Please contact the Jefferson County Health Department at 304-728-8416. Or contact our Program Coordinator Ardyth Gilbertson, RN by email at ardythg@gmail.com; visit the website at www.jchealthdept.org under Clinical Services where you can download the brochure or download the questionnaire and register.