Special parking and traffic steps being taken again in Shepherdstown this Saturday
Shepherdstown will again be a very busy place this Saturday, with Shepherd University hosting a NCAA Division II Semifinal National Championship football game starting at 12:00 Noon and Christmas activities going on all day downtown.
To handle the anticipated extra pressures on traffic and parking, so that everyone can enjoy all the festivities, town and university officials have arranged for the following steps to be taken:
Every effort will again be made to concentrate game parking in the university’s parking lots, especially those on the university’s west campus.
Those coming downtown for Christmas activities will be able to park in the lots behind the Town Run Brewing Company (the old Southern States building) and in the Train Station parking lots. Downtown parkers may also use the downtown Jefferson Security Bank parking lot west of the Town Run in the morning and all of the bank’s lots after the bank closes for the day at 12:00 Noon.
A bit farther away, additional downtown parking will be available in the Clarion Hotel’s Conference Center parking lots, on the west side of the hotel grounds.
Other overflow parking areas may be added, so watch for signs directing people to parking areas.
Area residents who are coming downtown or going to the game or both can do their part by carpooling whenever possible, by planning to arrive early, and by being respectful of normal parking regulations.