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Justice Benjamin files for re-election

By Staff | Feb 1, 2016

Charleston WV Supreme Court of Appeals Justice Brent Benjamin today made official his bid for a second twelve year term on the court. “I am honored and humbled by the trust West Virginia voters have placed in me,” said Justice Benjamin just before signing his candidate forms. “For me, the most important goal for a judge is to act in a way which strengthens the public’s trust in their courts. That trust has grown significantly in the past decade as we have restored stability and predictability to our courts, and I don’t want to see it erode in the future.”

“The campaign committee has worked to uphold the values Justice Benjamin brings to the office,” said Don Nickerson, Justice Benjamin’s campaign treasurer. “From our monthly campaign finance filings to us publicly releasing detailed records on the court’s decisions, Justice Benjamin is committed to running a campaign based on transparency and facts.” In seeking public campaign financing, the campaign accepts contributions of $100 or less and only from West Virginia registered voters. “We don’t believe this election should be about politics as usual,” said Nickerson.

“The Legislature has clearly indicated their desire to make judicial elections less political and less partisan” said Justice Benjamin. “Judges should follow the law and be impartial officials, not calling balls or strikes before the pitch is even thrown. They should follow the will of the Legislature and be independent. Their duty is to serve the people and not be beholden to any political party or special interest.”

Justice Benjamin was first elected to the Supreme Court of Appeals in 2004 and has twice served as Chief Justice. Prior to his election he was a principal attorney with Robinson and McElwee, PLLC in Charleston. His private practice focused on civil litigation, including defending the civil rights of children by protecting them from sexual and physical abuse.

The campaign website can be found at www.JusticeBenjamin.com, and email inquiries may be directed to info@JusticeBenjamin.com.