Town Council Agenda
Persons who are not on the agenda but wish to address the governing body must register prior to the call to order. Time limits will be imposed. Requests for copies of documents related to agenda items must be made in writing at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting, not during the meeting. NOTE: Council members are elected to represent citizens of the Corporation of Shepherdstown, please contact them regarding any questions or comments you may have about the agenda items. This Council follows Roberts Rules of Order (Revised).
**NOTE: Agenda is subject to change
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
6:30 p.m., Town Hall
104 North King Street
1. Call to order
2. Approval of Town Council Meeting Minutes of January 12, 2016
3. Public Comment Period
A. Persons who have registered to address Town Council.
4. Visitors: a. Ed Zahniser-presenting resolution Poet Laureate Jane Snyder
b. Visitor’s Center Report from Marianne Davis
5. Public Hearings a. Second Reading of An Ordinance to Create and Adopt Section 4-110 of Chapter 1, Title 4 of the Code of Shepherdstown to Provide for Proper Restraint, Shelter, Protection, and Care for Dogs Who Are Tethered or Confined in Shepherdstown, West Virginia
b. First reading of An Ordinance to Enact a New Chapter 10, Title 2 of the Code of Shepherdstown, to Provide for Equal Opportunity in the Areas of Employment, Public Accommodations and the Sale, Lease, Rental and Financing of Housing Accommodations without Regard to Race, Religion, Color, National Origin, Ancestry, Sec, Age, Blindness, Handicap or Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
6. Unfinished Business a. Home Rule Program Draft Application -status -public hearing scheduled for Feb. 23 at 6:30 p.m.
7. New Business a. Event Request: i. Easter Parade
ii. Potomac Audobon Association
iii. Farmers Market
iv. 4th of July Parade
v. Suicide Prevention Foundation Walk
8. Mayor’s Report a. Swearing in of Police Officers Michael Moats and Todd Epperly
9. Reports of Committees
A. Finance Committee
1. Meeting minutes of Feb. 5 , 2016 – not available
2. Financial Reporting: a. Financial Statements as of Dec. 31. 2015
3. Finance Committee Recommendations: a. General Fund Budget Revision #5
b. Allocation to Rose Hill Cemetery
B. Parking Committee
1. No meeting in January 2016
2. Recommendations: NONE
C. Police Committee
1. No meeting in January 2016
2. Recommendations from Police Committee: NONE
3. Police Department Monthly Report -January 2016
D. Personnel Committee
1. No meeting in January 2016
2. Recommendations from Personnel Committee: NONE
E. Public Works Committee
1. No meeting in January 2016
2. Recommendations: NONE
F. Parks and Recreation Committee
1. No meeting in January 2016
2. Recommendations: NONE
G. Path Advisory Committee
1. Meeting minutes of January 5, 2016 – not available
H. Shepherdstown Economic Development Committee
10.Report of Commissions and Boards
A. Tree Commission
1. No meeting in December 2015
2. Recommendations: NONE
B. Water and Sanitary Board
1. Meeting minutes of January 7 and 28, 2016
2. Recommendations: a. Reappointment of Sue Kemnitzer to the Water Board
C. Historic Landmarks Commission
1. Meeting minutes of Jan. 11, 2016
2. Recommendations: NONE
D. Planning Commission
1. Meeting minutes of Jan. 18, 2016 – not available
2. Recommendations: NONE