Astronomy presentation March 9
The Potomac Valley Audubon Society’s monthly program for March will feature a presentation about Astronomy at 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 9 at the at the Hospice of the Panhandle facility in Kearneysville. Admission will be free and everyone is welcome to attend.
The speaker will be Kevin Bowles, a founding member of the Morgan County Observatory Foundation and the organization’s current presiden who will focus on star maps and navigating the night sky, with a particular emphasis on March skies. He will also discuss his experiences building and running the observatory and share some pictures of Pluto.
The Hospice facility’s address is 330 Hospice Lane, Kearneysville. The Audubon events will be held in the main meeting room of the facility’s Main Office building. There is plenty of parking at the facility.
For more information go to www.potomacaudubon.
org or contact Krista Hawley at or 703-303-1026.