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Audubon program to feature ‘Night Sounds’

By Staff | Apr 8, 2016

The Potomac Valley Audubon Society’s monthly program for April will feature a presentation about “Night Sounds of the Appalachians.” The program will be held at 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 13 at the at the Hospice of the Panhandle facility in Kearneysville.

Admission will be free and everyone is welcome to attend.

The speaker will be Kevin Dodge, Professor of Wildlife and Biology at Garrett College in western Maryland. He will demonstrate and discuss the nocturnal sounds typically heard in the Appalachian region

Dodge has taught at Garrett since 1987, and he directs the college’s Natural Resources and Wildlife Technology program.

In addition to his teaching and research work at the college, Dodge is actively involved in natural resources issues in Garrett County and the surrounding area. He is chair of the Savage River State Forest Citizens’ Advisory Board, president of the Allegheny Highlands Conservancy, and a member of the board of the Youghiogheny River Watershed Association.

He is also a frequent local consultant to The Nature Conservancy, and leads numerous hikes and conducts campfire programs for that organization and state parks and forests.

He received his B.S. in biology from Southwest Missouri State University and his M.S. in Biology from Michigan Technological University. He pursued further studies in Wildlife Biology at West Virginia University.

The Hospice facility’s address is 330 Hospice Lane, Kearneysville. The Audubon events will be held in the main meeting room of the facility’s Main Office building.

There is plenty of parking at the facility.

For more information, go to www.potomacaudubon.org or contact Krista Hawley at adultprograms@potomacaudubon.org or 703-303-1026.