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Cafe Society to discuss graft and corruption in business

By Staff | Apr 15, 2016

The next Cafe Society discussion on April 19 will focus on “In the global economy, how can the U.S. government prevent U.S. citizens (individuals and corporations) from violating our tax laws and engaging in unlawful business practices.” The prevailing assumption has been until recently that corruption and illegal business practices are something that you would expect to find in ‘third-world’ countries, certainly not in here in America. There is growing awareness that we are not exempt, by any means. These informal weekly discussions are held from 8:30 to 10 a.m. in the Rumsey Room of the Shepherd University Student Center each Tuesday morning. Pre-registration is not required and there are no fees or charges.

Cafe facilitator Mike Austin said, “In the highly competitive global economy U.S. businesses are often attracted to engage in business practices that may be legal elsewhere but which U.S. citizens are prohibited from. These efforts are not limited to ‘inversion” and other tax evasion practices used by corporations and wealthy individuals, but increasingly involve outright bribes, “finder’s fees” and hidden inducements that are almost expected in doing ‘business as usual’. They are not limited to simply avoiding U.S. taxes, including hidden cash transactions, but find their way into preferential treatment in a wide range of business perks and preferences, such as special access and other unaccountable illegal benefits. These practices abound where transparency is clouded by complex tax codes, and become available in special riders on legislation, crafted by lobbyists who have become an integral part of the political process, teams of accountants who earn their pay by finding loopholes and legal counselors who know what evasive “rule” to apply. Aside from any moral or ethical abhorrence you might feel, there are significant, almost imponderable consequences that must be borne by the general populace who must carry the consequent burden of increased costs as consumers and tax payers.

“So, of course this discussion should be enlightening, particularly on a university campus where students are arming themselves to compete in that world where winning is everything and how you do it, may not be so important anymore.”

Those with suggestions for future Cafe Society topics or who want more information should contact Austin at 304-876-0598 or michael.austin@frontiernet

.net.Cafe Society to discuss graft and

corruption in business