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Kiwanis auction set May 6

By Staff | Apr 15, 2016

The Kiwanis Club of Shepherdstown will hold its 13th annual Children’s Benefit Auction at Wildwood Middle School on Friday, May 6 at 6:30 p.m. The auction raises funds for the Kiwanis Club to fund the programs and projects for service learning programs for children from elementary school age through college age students.

This includes K-Kids at T.A. Lowery Elementary School, Key Club and Jefferson High School and Circle K at Shepherd University. There has also been a Builders Club program at Wildwood Middle School. Additionally, the club has funded programs and projects at the Shepherdtown Day Care Center and at the Shepherdstown Elemnentary School.

Auction items are donated by merchants from Jefferson and Berkeley counties as well as several regional and national agencies and companies. A wide variety of items are available for patrons to buy just before Mother’s Day including a week’s stay in Myrtle Beach, season tickets for Shepherd University football and basketball games, cATF tickets, restaurant and entertainment gifts, flowers and many other popular items.