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Gen Adam Stephen Chapter, NSSAR marked the grave of an American Revolutionary Soldier

By Staff | May 23, 2016

The Darke-Engle-Romemus graveyard located on the Snyder farm in Shenandoah Junction, was the site of a grave marking and dedication for Patriot and Soldier Philip Engle. On Saturday, April 30 the General Adam Stephen Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution along with many members of the Engle family held a ceremony at the grave site where a marker was placed.

Philip Engle was born Oct. 8, 1742 the first of his line born in America. His father Melchor arrived in Philadelphia around 1730 and in 1754 the family moved to what is now Jefferson County West Virginia.

Melchor bought land on Elk Creek, thereby being one of the first setters in the county. When Philip was 16 his father died and he became head of the plantation. In 1764 he married Mary Darke, sister of Revolutionary War General William Darke. He also is buried in this graveyard. They had 11 children and after Mary’s death, Philip married Isabel Pollock, resulting in seven more children.

Philip served the American Revolution in two different roles. He is recognized as a supplier of material to the troops which qualifies him as a Patriot. He also served under General Gates and guarded the General’s headquarters during the Battle of Camden, South Carolina. Philip died Nov. 21, 1829.

The dedication began with the Henrietta Bedinger Lee Society, National Society Children of the American Revolution acting as the color guard and posting the colors. The invocation was given by The Rev. Dr. Raleigh H. Watson, Chaplain, General Adam Stephen Chapter and fourth great-grandson Philip Engle. Senator Herbert S. Snyder, owner of the Snyder farm, presented his welcome and greeting to the group which totaled about 60. Eric Jenkins, chapter historian, spoke on the history of the Engle family.

The State President for the West Virginia SAR, William Lester was in attendance. There were several other SAR Chapters represented both from West Virginia and Virginia. After the unveiling of the marker, General Adam Stephen President, Joe Khare offered the closing remarks. A reception was held at The Academy on Flowing Springs Road in Shenandoah Junction.