Bethesda UMC to open cornerstone
Bethesda United Methodist Church, near the interstection of Moler’s Crossroads on Engle Molers Road will open their centennial cornerstone on Saturday. Jim Schmitt will begin the cornerstone removal at 8 a.m. Regardless of what is found or not found, items commemorating the 100 year celebration of the 1874 raising of the Bethesda Church from a one story wooden building to the present structure will be placed into the cornerstone. It will be an exciting event for those who have never witnessed a cornerstone opening. Bring a chair and join in the fellowship of the first event of the church’s centennial celebration. Other events will take place in August and October.
Rain date for the cornerstone opening will be June 25.
For more information, contact Barbara Nickell, 304-876-1669.