Square dancers performed at ball game
Members of two local square dance clubs joined with dancers from Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia for a square dance exhibition at the Father’s Day Hagerstown Sun’s ball game on June 18.
Between 80 and 90 dancers braved the sun and heat to demonstrate square dancing to the crowd. They created 10 squares of dancers circling the ball field from 1st to 3rd base.
Members from the Panhandlers Square Dance Club of Martinsburg included Amy and Leonard Finley, Bonnie and Jerry Pollack, Peggy Nicodemus, Fred Hockenberry, Lou Thompson and Ron and Charlotte Sowers.
The dancers wore the Sun’s colors of red, white and blue as seen here with John Clayton and Charlotte and Ron Sowers. Want to join the fun and learn to square dance for info, contact, Ron Sowers 304-876-1130.