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Club works to save ash trees

By Staff | Jul 15, 2016

Efforts are underway to protect as many ash trees in Morgan’s Grove Park from a type of beetle known as the emerald ash borer. The Shepherdstown Community Club, a private non-profit that owns the park and allows it to be used by the public and to be reserved, are spearheading the effort to eliminate the pest.

The club was alerted to the infestation of ash borers and the trees received their first treatment back in 2014. Don Davis, secretary of the Shepherdstown Community Club, stressed the importance of treatment.

“Without treatment, these trees will die,” says Davis. “We had them evaluated for a second treatment, and we had just had that done.”

Davis broke down the costs of treating the nearly seventy ash trees in Morgan’s Grove Park. The first treatment in 2014 cost the club around $12,000. The second treatment that took place this year has cost around $11,000. A portion of the money has been raised through donations while another portion of it has come out of the community club’s treasurey.

The costs are necessary to preserve the trees. Shawn Walker is a certified arborist with Trees 101 who treated the trees in Morgan’s Grove Park. Walker described the method he uses to treat the trees. He uses a chemical that injects into the tree trunk to kill the ash borer larva inside.

“This is the safest form of treatment for both the environment and the public,” says Walker.

“The response by the community club was a very pro-active move.”

While no trees in Morgan’s Grove Park have yet to die from ash borers, Walker feels that some may die in a few years. He contributes this to the diverse age range of the trees in Morgan’s Grove Park.

More information about the Shepherdstown Community Club and their efforts to save ash trees in Morgan’s Grove Park can be found at www.shepherdstowncc.org. They are still accepting donations. More information about the emerald ash borer can be found online at www.emeraldashborer.info.