Kiwanis Auction proceeds put to good use

After the very successful 13th Annual Children’s Benefit Auction in May, the Kiwanis Club of Shepherdstown donated the proceeds to several local organizations that support and encourage children and youth.
In the photo at left, Melissa Holman of Shepherdstown Day Care Center, receives the donation from Kiwanis Secretary Adele Knott.
Donations were also made to WVU Children’s Hospital/Children’s Miracle Network and The Eliminate Project of Kiwanis International, which is working with UNICEF to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus worldwide.
Earlier, scholarships were given to Paige Conrad of Jefferson High School who will be attending Shepherd University and to Aaron “Matt” Murphy of Jefferson High School who attended the Key Club International Convention in Atlanta, Georgia, in July.
In the photo at right, representatives of the various local organizations that benefitted are (from left) John Griffith of the Shepherdstown Community Club, Libby Sturm of First Books for Babies, Kim Walls of Jefferson County Relay for Life, Denny Barron of the Jefferson County 4-H Foundation and Christ Reformed Church and Margaret Walker of the Terry Lee Walker, Jr. Scholarship fund along with Kiwanis President Karl Wolf.

The Kiwanis Club of Shepherdstown thanks everyone who donated goods or services to the annual auction as well as those who attended and bid on those items!
Those interested in community service and great fellowship, please contact Adele Knott at 304-258-9135.