Members of Homemakers Club
The following were members of the Young Homemakers Extension Club during the time period devoted to securing ambulance service in Shepherdstown. The roster is taken from information available at the Jefferson County Extension Office.
Mrs. George Ambrose
Mrs. Elbert Bates
Mrs. B. Brown
Mrs. Lyle Butts
Mrs. Raymond Byers
Mrs. Ernest Dern
Mrs. Erwin Fieger
Mrs. Harry Fletcher
Mrs. Gary James
Mrs. Albert Kave
Mrs. John Larue
Mrs. Francis Lynch
Mrs. John Maise
Mrs. George Mason
Mrs. Gary Moreland
Mrs. D. Lee Morgan
Mrs. John Corden
formerly Mrs. WIlliam
Mrs. Walter Neely
Mrs. Charles Osbourn
Mrs. Arthur Praither, III
Mrs. Donald Sager
Mrs. Donald Smith
Mrs. John Snyder
Mrs. Nevin Strider
Mrs. D. W. Tabler
Mrs. William Van Tol
Mrs. Gaither Waltz
Mrs. Herbert Wildeboar
Mrs. Clarence Wright
Mrs Donald Zeiger