Tomatofest winners announced
Winners of the 2016 Tomato Tasting Contest at the Aug. 20 TomatoFest sponsored by the Berkeley Jefferson Extension Master Gardeners gathered at the home of President Cathy Sigalas yesterday to celebrate their winning entries.
Angie Faulkner, member of the Berkeley Jefferson Extension Master Gardeners and passionate local tomato grower, won in two categories: Reds, with Brad’s Black Heart and Cherries, with Black Cherry.
Louise Finch, former President and active member of the Berkeley Jefferson Extension Master Gardeners, won in the hybrid category for her Sandwich Steaks.
Christian Fawcett, a Charles Town resident and avid gardener, won in the Other category for his Paw Paws.
Winner Allison Adams could not attend the event. She won the Sauce category with her Amish Paste tomato.