West Virginia Lions seeking several students to travel and study abroad
Each year the Lions Clubs of West Virginia provide the opportunity for several students to travel abroad.
Briefly, a travel grant provides funds, for students in grades 10-12 or a recent graduate, toward a four to six week cultural exchange to Finland, Japan, Italy, Peru or Australia during the summer of 2017.
Five travel grants of $1,200 will be awarded and perhaps more if funds are available.
The Lions of West Virginia rely heavily on the guidance counselors in each high school to get the word out about this program.
Students may contact their high school guidance counselors for more information, an application and contest rules and procedure forms.
The Youth Exchange Scholarship Application and Rules forms are also currently available on the West Virginia Lions website@ www.wvlions.org/youth.html.
Once on the website click on the Program button along the left side of the screen. Scroll down and select the Youth Camps & Exchange page.
Scholarship Rules and Procedures and Scholarship Entry Form are available at the bottom of the page.
Questions about the contest or about the Youth Exchange Program in particular or the Lions Clubs in general may be posed to Lion Henry Krautwurst at 304-874-3281.
West Virginia Lions seeking several students to travel and study abroad