First Friday features Dr. Dour and Peach
First Friday Coffeehouse will feature a Halloweenish cabaret about zombies, nightmares and things that go bump in the night. The Nov. 4 feature is Dr. Dour and Peach, who charm the D.C.-area with playfully macabre musical comedy.
The event is held at Trinity Orchard House on Route 45. Doors open for social time and open mic sign-up at 7 p.m.. All open mic participants should be there early to get a slot to perform.
Dr. Dour (vocals, 10-string touch-guitar) and Peach (cello, banjo, cute) tell the personal stories of lovesick mummies, giant lizards, bargain-hunting zombies and other hapless creatures of the night in a cabaret cocktail of original songs.
Trinity Orchard House is located at 4599 Shepherdstown Road. A $10 donation per person is requested. For more information, contact Steve Warner at 304-676-4422 or visit on Facebook.