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Shepherdstown Film Society spring schedule announced

By Staff | Jan 16, 2017

The Shepherdstown Film Society is pleased to announce its spring, 2017 series. Six films will be presented, starting on Jan. 20 and running through Apr. 21.

Four films are presented through our continuing partnership with the Scarborough Society of Shepherd University. This partnership gives the Shepherdstown Film Society the financial support it needs to maintain its commitment to show free films for Shepherd students and faculty and the Shepherdstown community.

One film is presented in conjunction with Shepherd University’s Common Reading Program and one film is co-sponsored by the Shepherdstown Library.

All films will be shown on Fridays. All showings are at 7 p.m. in Shepherd University’s Reynolds Hall. As with all the Society’s films, admission will be free and each showing will be followed by a discussion. An opening night reception at The War Memorial Building will kick off the series from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 20.

More information on each film can be found on the Society’s website at www.shepherdstownfilmsociety.org. The film schedule will be as follows:

Jan. 20: “Bicycle Thieves”

Feb. 3: “The Thin Blue Line”

Feb. 24: “The 400 Blows”

Mar. 10: “The Seventh Seal”

Mar. 24: “A Man Called Ove”

Apr. 21: “Theeb”

Details of the films follow below, in the order in which the films are being shown:

Jan. 20: “Bicycle Thieves” (Italy, 1948, 89 minutes, directed by Vittorio De Sica). Faced with an almost total breakdown of their pre-war social and political moorings, Italian film makers created a new film movement called neo-realism, based on the lives and suffering of the urban poor, filming on location and often using non-professional actors. “Bicycle Thieves” a great example of Italian neo-realism, follows a father and son for several days as they search desperately for the stolen bicycle that is vital to their livelihood.

This film received five Oscar nominations and won the award for best original screenplay.

Post-film discussion led by Charlie Brown.

Not rated.

Feb. 3: “The Thin Blue Line” (USA, 1988, 103 minutes, directed by Errol Morris). Using re-enacted scenes and interviews, director Errol Morris explores the case of Randall Dale Adams, wrongfully convicted and sentenced to death for a murder he didn’t commit.

This is a special presentation in conjunction with Shepherd University’s Common Reading Program.

Post-film discussion led by Karen Green, Associate Professor of Social Work.

Not rated.

Feb. 24: “The 400 Blows” (France, 1959, 99 minutes, directed by Francois Truffaut). One of the premiere films of the French New Wave, “The 400 Blows” follows a Paris teenager’s struggles with family, school and society as he attempts to define his place in the world.

Francois Truffaut received the best director award at the Cannes Film Festival and was nominated for an Oscar for best original screenplay. Post-film discussion led by Lex Miller. Not rated.

Mar. 10: “The Seventh Seal” (Sweden, 1957, 96 minutes, directed by Ingmar Bergman). Against the background of the Black Death and the religious and social responses to its consequences, Sweden’s premiere film maker, Ingmar Bergman, pits a medieval knight in a game of chess with Death.

Their symbolic battle explores the human condition in a world seemingly devoid of either a loving God or benign Nature. This film won the Special Jury Prize at the Cannes Film Festival and was nominated for the Palme d’Or Prize.

Post-film discussion led by Dr. Rachel Krantz. Not Rated.

Mar. 24: “A Man Called Ove” (Sweden 2015, 116 minutes, directed by Hannes Holm). In mourning for his dead wife, Ove is seen by his community as a curmudgeon at odds with contemporary society.

New neighbors move in next door and take a fresh look at Ove. With their help he learns to cope and heal. Post-film discussion led by Winne Bernat.

Rated PG-13.

Apr. 21: “Theeb” (United Arab Emirates, 2014, 100 minutes, directed by Naji Abu Nowar). Imagine “Lawrence of Arabia” told from the point of view of a twelve year old Arab boy.

The imperatives of empire and politics are replaced by the imperatives of family ties and family honor. The epic scale is reduced to the personal. But the war, the desert, the blazing sun, the camels and the need to find water remain.

Theeb received an Oscar nomination for best foreign language film. This showing is co-sponsored by the Shepherdstown Public Library.

Post-film discussion led by Rebecca Ayraud. Rated PG-13.

For further information about the Society and its films, visit their website or contact Lisa Welch at 304-876-1837 (email lmwelch@frontiernet.net) or Mina Goodrich at 304-876-2159.