‘Cut to Chase’ now accepting submissions
Cut To The Chase is a short film festival hosted in historic Shepherdstown, creating a vibrant intersection of art, theater and film on the Potomac River.
The goal is to produce an annual short film festival that encourages people to engage their artistic desire, to share their imagination, opinions and vision within the framework of the Cut to The Chase Film Festival guidelines.
Early deadline for submissions is June 20 with a $20 submission fee. Regular deadline for submissions at $35 is July 20 and Aug. 10 is the late deadline with an increased fee to $30.
All films must be 8 minutes or less including title and credits.
All films must feature the Key Element “KISS” within the film as image, gesture or spoken word.
Submit films to filmfreeway.com/festival/C2CFilmFestival.
For additional information contact us at C2Cfilmfestival@gmail.com or at www.C2cfilmfestival.com.