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Auditions for ‘Shenandoah’ at The Apollo

By Staff | Feb 17, 2017

The Apollo Civic Theatre, 128 E. Martin St., in Martinsburg, announces auditions for the musical “Shenandoah.” One may audition on any one of the following dates/times: Saturday, Feb. 25 from 3-5 p.m.; Sunday, Feb. 26 from 3-5 p.m.; Monday, Feb. 27 from 7-9 p.m. Callbacks will be held Tuesday, Feb. 28, from 7-9 p.m.

Director Tami McDonald is casting the following: Charlie, the father – Age 45+ – Strong Baritone; six sons, and one son-in-law – age 15-30 – varying vocal ranges; dancing required; two women (daughter/daughter-in-law) – age 17- 30; two males – one white, one African American – age 12-16; need to still sing in a higher range; multiple men/women age 16-80 for chorus roles.

Come prepared to sing 12 bars of any song, preferably designed to display upper range (men) with sheet music or accompaniment CD. Be prepared to move in comfortable clothes and appropriate shoes.

Music from original Broadway cast album can be found on YouTube, Amazon Prime Music and other sources on the internet.

Show dates are May 12-14 and 19-21, 2017.

Learn more about the Apollo by visiting www.apollocivictheatre.org or on Facebook.