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Kiwanis dinner helps fund Eliminate project

By Staff | Dec 1, 2017

Chronicle photo by Toni Milbourne Fans of chili and cornbread found just the right menu at the annual fundraising dinner provided by the Shepherdstown Kiwanis Club at the War Memorial Building last Friday night.

The Shepherdstown Kiwanis Club once again hosted their annual chili and cornbread dinner as part of the start to the Christmas season in town. The event, held last Friday evening at the Shepherdstown Community Club, served as a fundraiser for the active local club.

A portion of the funds raised by the dinner will be used to help with the Kiwanis International’s Eliminate project – an effort to wipe out maternal and neonatal tetanus around the world.

According to literature available at the dinner, one baby dies every nine minutes from neonatal tetanus or 160 each day.

The goal of Kiwanis International and UNICEF, with whom they have partnered in this endeavor, hope to fund vaccines to save lives and protect the future of thousands who would otherwise fall to this disease.

“The end of this disease means the beginning of better health for so many of these families,” said the Eliminate Project’s website.

Shepherdstown Kiwanis Clubs’ contributions have been joined with those from Kiwanis and UNICEF organizations around the world to raise more than $110 million to help eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus.

Kiwanis is an international community service organization which focuses much of its attention on the world’s children while enjoying neighborhood fellowship.

In addition to fundraising for Kiwanis International, the local club also provides a scholarship for a graduate of Jefferson High School each year and choosing other deserving nonprofit organizations to receive charitable dollars.

In addition to the annual chili and cornbread dinner, the group holds an auction later in the year. They also provide guidance to members of the Jefferson High School Key Club, who joined in the holiday efforts Friday evening by providing hot chocolate and cookies for purchase outside of the Shepherdstown Library during the tree lighting ceremony. Student volunteers manned the booth, providing holiday greetings to all.

For more information on the Shepherdstown Kiwanis Club, contact Adele Knott at 304-258-9135.