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Film society show on tap

By Staff | Sep 19, 2010

SHEPHERDSTOWN – The Shepherdstown Film Society presents “3:10 to Yuma,” (1957) by Delmar Daves at 7 p.m. today at Reynolds Hall on the Shepherd University campus.

The Shepherdstown Film Society announces 2010 fall season, in partnership with Shepherd University’s Scarborough Society, focuses on train films in celebration of the 100th anniversary of The Station at Shepherdstown.

Movies are screened in Shepherd University’s Reynolds Hall at 7 p.m. Fridays, with the exception of a special film on Sept. 27.

All films are primarily in English, with brief subtitle usage, as needed. All films are followed by a post-film discussion. Admission is free.

Other films in the series include the following:

Sept. 27, “In Country”(1989) by Norman Jewison; 120 minutes. Presented in conjunction with Shepherd University’s Appalachian Heritage Writer in Residence program. Discussion led by David Hostetter.

Oct. 8, “The Train”(1964) by John Frankenheimer; 133 minutes. Discussion led by Phil Bufithis.

Oct. 29, “Runaway Train”(1985) by Andrei Konchalovsky; 111 minutes. Film sponsored by The Station at Shepherdstown.

Nov. 19, “The Lady Vanishes”(1938) by Alfred Hitchcock; 96 minutes. Discussion led by Rachel Ritterbusch.

The Shepherdstown Film Society is a coalition of interested individuals and organizations dedicated to bringing more quality films to Shepherdstown. The fall film series is made possible though a partnership with Shepherd University’s Scarborough Society and is also supported by The Station at Shepherdstown and the Friends of the Shepherdstown Library.

For information on these and other films or to volunteer, please visit www.shepherdstownfilmsociety.org or contact Lisa Welch at 304-876-1837 or lmwelch@frontiernet.net or Mina Goodrich at 304-876-2159 or LarryMina@aol.com.