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May DAR meeting scheduled

By Staff | Apr 21, 2011

For its May meeting the Pack Horse Ford Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution will join the Berkeley County Historical Society in celebrating Martinsburg’s Heritage Day, May 7.

Cindy J. Nicewarner will present a program on “Genealogy on the Internet” at the Apollo Theater, 128 E. Martin St. in Martinsburg, at 10:30 a.m.

Nicewarner is a staff genealogist at NSDAR in Washington, D.C. As a member of the Volunteer Genealogist Training Staff, she teaches courses for the four-day genealogy class held at NSDAR and travels throughout the United States presenting workshops to members of the society. She also has presented programs at the Registrar General’s Forum held at Continental Congress, NSDAR’s annual conference.

Nicewarner is a graduate of Shepherd College and holds a BS degree in History. She is a member of the 2010 Class of the National Institute on Genealogical Research. She has been a member of the Pack Horse Ford Chapter since June 4, 1983.