Students compete in FBLA event
Washington High School Future Business Leaders of America took 22 students to compete at the State FBLA competition in Charleston on March 28 and 29.
The students competed in a variety of categories including technology, accounting, impromptu speaking, ethics, website design, word processing and entrepreneurship. Over 600 students attended the event from across the state.
The following students were recognized for their accomplishments in the competitions: AJ Mood-Job Interview finalist, Elizabeth Jones and Heather Shoemaker-Ethics finalists, Andrew Frye-Introduction to Business-3rd Place, Nathaniel Taulton-Accounting I-3rd Place, Evan Steele-Introduction to Technology-2nd Place, Katie Martin-Word Processing-2nd Place, Tyrus Dixon and Ian Snyers-Website Design-2nd Place, Molly Potter and Alex Yazbek-Entrepreunership-1st Place, Andrew Scott-Impromptu Speaking-1st Place.
Six of the students scored high enough to qualify for National completion in Orlando, Fla. at the end of June. Those attending nationals will be accompanied by Adviser Leanne Smith, business teacher at WHS.