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Men’s club changes name

By Staff | Dec 2, 2011

After 65 years of operating as the Shepherdstown Men’s Club, this organization is no more.

At the annual general membership meeting two weeks ago, the decision was made to change the club’s name to “The Shepherdstown Community Club.”

“We have been struggling with this issue for many years. While most people in our community knew the old Men’s Club name was a misnomer and that women played a central role in its leadership and activities, the old name was a persistent problem. New arrivals in the Shepherdstown community didn’t understand that and took no interest in the club. Others were fully aware, but simply refused to consider participating in an organization with such a gender-focused title,” said President Mike Austin in a press release.

He went on to explain that lifestyles in the Shepherdstown area have changed since the club was established.

At one time it was a key element in the social life in the community. Most of its members either lived in town or in close proximity. Now members come from all over the Eastern Panhandle and there are over a hundred organizations vying for people’s time and attention.

“Although the club’s mission remains unchanged to promote quality of life in our community the focus has shifted from social to civic aspects of that effort. Thus we felt that the ‘community’ emphasis was important. So we dealt with the gender issue and civic responsibility aspect at the same time,” he said. “You won’t see any difference in how we operate. Hopefully there will be even more women and young families. We will continue using our key assets, the War Memorial Building in town and Morgan’s Grove Park, to make a positive difference wherever we can.”

In other actions, four new board members – Austin Porter, Mark Shields, Howard Wachtel and Tom Huddleston – were elected to begin serving three-year terms of office overseeing operations of the club.

Austin highlighted the fact that vacancies on the board remain and that numerous key leadership positions are open for those wanting to get involved.