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Zahniser Signs New Shepherdstown Book Saturday

By Staff | Apr 25, 2014

Four Seasons Books in Shepherdstown will host a book signing for Ed Zahniser’s new book of three Shepherdstown poems on Saturday, Apr. 26 from 1 to 3 p.m. Four Seasons Books has published the 72-page book to commemorate the 250th Anniversary of Shepherdstown. The book also marks the June 3, 2014, 100th anniversary of the death of Danske Dandridge, Shepherdstown’s most famous poet, early historian and prolific gardening writer. At Betty’s Restaurant Thomas Shepherd Loves Danske Dandridge and The Shepherdstown Sonnets is titled by its three poems.

“Thomas Shepherd Loves Danske Dandridge” pays homage to Dandridge, whose poetry was endorsed by the prominent contemporary poet John Greenleaf Whittier. Zahniser imagines Dandridge in a love affair “outside time” with town founder Thomas Shepherd. The poem includes actual town history with glimpses of Dandridge’s life and career.

Heather Watson of Pernot and Tatlin designed the book. Her cover art pays homage to the the first edition of Berrigan’s The Sonnets, designed by artist Joe Brainerd, who collaborated with many poets of his generation. Watson also designed and illustrated Zahniser’s earlier book Mall-hopping with the Great I AM and the anthology In Good Company: 27 Poets Celebrating the 250th Anniversary of Shepherdstown, co-edited by Shepherdstown Poet Laureate Georgia Lee McElhaney and Zahniser.