Town Council meeting Agenda
Persons who are not on the agenda but wish to address the governing body must register prior to the call to order. Time limits will be imposed. Requests for copies of documents related to agenda items must be made in writing at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting, not during the meeting. NOTE: Council members are elected to represent citizens of the Corporation of Shepherdstown, please contact them regarding any questions or comments you may have about the agenda items. This Council follows Robert’s Rules of Order (Revised).
NOTE: Agenda items subject to change.
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Shepherdstown Town Hall
6:30 p.m.
1. Call to order
2. Approval of Town Council Meeting Minutes of March 8, 15 and 22, 2016
3. Public Comment Period
A. Persons who have registered to address Town Council.
4. Visitors:
a. Visitor’s Center Report
5. Public Hearings
a. First reading Storm Water Ordinance
6. Unfinished Business
a. Home Rule Program Application approved April 4
7. New Business
a. Event Requests:
i. Tri-Valley Region Lambda Car Club International
ii. Mid-Atlantic Women’s Motorcycle Rally Parade
8. Mayor’s Report
9. Reports of Committees
A. Finance Committee
1. Next meeting is April 29, 2016
2. Financial Reporting:
a. Financial Statements as of March 31, 2016
3. Finance Committee Recommendations: NONE
B. Parking Committee
1. No meeting in March 2016
C. Police Committee
1. No meeting in March 2016
2. Police Department Monthly Report March 2016
D. Personnel Committee
1. No meeting in March 2016
E. Public Works Committee
1. No meeting March 2016
2. Recommendations: NONE
F. Parks and Recreation Committee
1. Meeting minutes of March 22, 2016
G. Path Advisory Committee
1. Meeting minutes of January 5, 2016
H. Shepherdstown Economic Development Committee
10. Report of Commissions and Boards
A. Tree Commission
1. Meeting minutes of March 10, 2016
2. Recommendations: NONE
B. Water and Sanitary Board
1. Meeting minutes of March 24, 2016 not available
2. Recommendations: NONE
C. Historic Landmarks Commission
1. Meeting minutes of March 14, 2016
D. Planning Commission
1. Meeting minutes of March 21, 2016