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By Staff | Jul 8, 2016

Tuesday, July 12, 2016 6:30 p.m.

Shepherdstown Town Hall

(Subject to change)

1. Call to order

2. Approval of Town Council Meeting Minutes of June 13-15 and14, 2016

3. Public Comment Period

A. Persons who have registered to address Town Council.

4. Visitors: a. Visitor’s Center Report

5. Public Hearings

6. Unfinished Business

7. New Business a. Event Requests: Shepherd University Homecoming Party

Freedom’s Run

b. Comcast Franchise Agreement

8. Mayor’s Report

9. Reports of Committees

A. Finance Committee

1. Meeting minutes of June 30, 2016

2. Financial Reporting: a. Financial Statements as of May 31, 2016

b. Budget Revision #1-General Fund 2016-2017

c. Budget Revision #1-Coal Severance Fund 2016-2017

d. Bank Resolution for check signers to be approved by Council (same signers)

3. Finance Committee Recommendations: a. Donation for WV Flood Relief

b. Shepherdstown Public Library Donation

c. Purchase of loader


B. Parking Committee

1. Meeting minutes of June 23, 2016

2. Recommendations: NONE

C. Police Committee

1. No meeting

2. Police Department Monthly Report June 2016

D. Personnel Committee

1. No meeting in May 2016

E. Public Works Committee

1. Meeting Minutes of June 27, 2016

2. Recommendations: NONE

F. Parks and Recreation Committee

1. Meeting Minutes of June 26, 2016

2. Recommendations: NONE

G. Path Advisory Committee

1. Meeting minutes of June 6, 2016 not available

10.Report of Commissions and Boards

A. Tree Commission

1. Meeting minutes of June 9, 2016

2. Recommendations: NONE

B. Water and Sanitary Board

1. Meeting minutes of June 30, 2016 not available

2. Recommendations: NONE

C. Historic Landmarks Commission

1. Meeting minutes of June 13, 2016

2. Recommendations: NONE

D. Planning Commission

1. Meeting minutes of June 20, 2016 not available

2. Recommendations: NONE