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Town Council agenda announced

By Staff | May 5, 2017

Tuesday, May 9, 2017 Shepherdstown Town Hall 6:30 p.m.

*Agenda subject to change

1. Call to order

2.Approval of Town Council Meeting Minutes of April 11 and 18, 2017

3.Public Comment Period

a.Persons who have registered to address Town Council.


a.Visitor’s Center Report

5.Public Hearings

a. Public hearing on Bond Ordinance (the “Bond Ordinance”) authorizing the issuance of up to $3,500,000 in aggregate principal amount of Corporation of Shepherdstown Water Revenue Bonds, Series 2017, to finance costs of the acquisition and construction of certain extensions, additions, betterments and improvements to the waterworks system of the Corporation of Shepherdstown, including without limitation the acquisition and installation of a new twelve-inch high service water line to Shepherdstown’s two water storage tanks.

b. Second reading of an ordinance to amend Section 9-902 of Chapter 9,

Title 9 of the Code of Shepherdstown to require Certificates of

Appropriateness to be issued before the Planning Commission issues

Project Permits

c. Second reading of an ordinance to amend Chapter 3, Title 9 of the Code

of Shepherdstown to grant the Historic Landmark Commission the

authority to issue Certificates of Appropriateness

6.Unfinished Business

a. Final action to give final approval to the Bond Ordinance, as defined and described under “Public Hearings” above, to put the Bond Ordinance into effect.

7.New Business

a. Event Requests:

Rubber Duck Race Saturday, July 15

8. Mayor’s Report

9.Reports of Committees

A.Finance Committee

1.Next meeting May 24, 2017

2. Financial Reporting

B.Parking Committee

1.No meeting in April 2017

2.Recommendations: NONE

C.Police Committee

1.No meeting in April 2017

2.Police Department Monthly Report April 2017

D.Personnel Committee

1.No meeting in April 2017

E.Public Works Committee

1.Meeting minutes of April 24, 2017

2.Recommendations: NONE

F.Parks and Recreation Committee

1.Meeting minutes of April 25, 2017

2.Recommendations: NONE

G.Path Advisory Committee

1.Meeting minutes of April 4, 2017

10.Report of Commissions and Boards

A. Tree Commission

1.Meeting minutes of March 9, 2017

2.Recommendations: NONE

B. Water and Sanitary Board

1.Meeting minutes of April 27, 2017

2.Recommendations: NONE

C. Historic Landmarks Commission

1.Meeting minutes of April 10, 2017

2.Recommendations: NONE

D. Planning Commission

1.Meeting minutes of April 17, 2017

2.Recommendations: NONE