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Town Council talks changes to increase transparency, updates to town projects

SHEPHERDSTOWN — The new mayor and Town Council of the Corporation of Shepherdstown met for their first monthly meeting, since they were sworn into office after the Municipal Election, on Tuesday in Town Hall. Although the town’s staff had reoriented the meeting room, to allow for more ...

Wires crossed

SHEPHERDSTOWN -- A workman uses a pair of pliers to make adjustments on an overhead power line along New Street last Thursday morning.

Incoming Town Recorder, Town Council members sworn into office

SHEPHERDSTOWN — The new Town Council members and Town Recorder of the Corporation of Shepherdstown were sworn into office at Town Hall on Thursday afternoon. While the moment marked the end of an era, with the replacement of some longstanding Town Council members and a mayor of 20 years, the ...

Town Council approves changes to ordinances, renews HOME Consortium agreement

SHEPHERDSTOWN -- Last Tuesday night, the Corporation of Shepherdstown's Town Council met for its monthly meeting in Town Hall. The meeting started off with the unanimous approval of the second and final reading of a new ordinance, the Garbage Ordinance Section 11-612, of Chapter 6 of Title 11. ...

Shepherdstown Street Fest ready to return, with full schedule of live music

SHEPHERDSTOWN — German Street is about to come alive, with the return of Shepherdstown Street Fest on June 29, from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. The annual festival is “a celebration of creativity, culture and community,” according to John Meeker, president and main stage coordinator of ...

Shepherdstown looks to future with new mayor, town council members

SHEPHERDSTOWN — On Tuesday morning, Shepherdstown residents began making their way to Town Hall to participate in the Municipal Election. By the end of the voting period that night, about 47 percent of the registered voters in the Corporation of Shepherdstown had participated in the highly ...

Making an early vote

SHEPHERDSTOWN -- Shepherd University Director of Music Education Austin Showen, left, chats with Shepherdstown Public Library Youth Services Director Rachel Heller, center, and another Shepherd University staff member, after participating in early voting for the Municipal Election at Town Hall ...