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George R. Frame

Dec 10, 2021

It is with great sorrow that the family of George R. Frame shares his passing from this life to his eternal home on Aug. 9, 2021. George was known to locals as a teacher, coach, football official, principal, and Director of Personnel and Transportation. He spent his entire professional career in Jefferson County, West Virginia; starting in 1968 until his West Virginia retirement in 2001. However, he was at his happiest when he was working in the fields and working with his hands.

From Jefferson County, he relocated to Lenoir, North Carolina and served as Assistant Principal at West Caldwell High School; ultimately retiring from North Carolina as principal of Happy Valley Elementary School (grades K – 8).

After a short stint in Ohio, George moved to San Antonio, Texas to be near family. There, he helped his son build and establish 3 restaurants, while watching his granddaughter, Chloe, grow, graduate high school and attend UTD, where she is now a senior.

In the last decade, he developed a strong interest in woodworking, building everything from furniture for his family to protective barriers for his church community during the pandemic. He continued to read extensively in his spare time.

Born April 23, 1946 in Widen, West Virginia, George grew up in Nicholas County and graduated from Nicholas County High School in 1964. He then attended Glenville State College on athletic scholarship, graduating with a Bachelors in Mathematics and Physical Education, followed by a Masters in Education Administration in 1972 from West Virginia University. He was a lifelong, avid fan of all sports — especially his home team, the Mountaineers.

He is survived by his son, Richard William (Rick) Frame, of Santa Barbara, CA, his daughter, Stefanie Erin Frame, of New York City, NY, and their mother, Billie Sakeman Frame; his granddaughters, Chloe (21 years old) and Willa Del (6 years old); his sisters, Rotha Young and Charlotte Jean Vaughn, and brother, Rodney Frame. He was preceded in death by his father, Richard Scott Frame, his mother, Glenna Adkins Frame, and four older sisters.

A family memorial service was held in his adopted city of San Antonio, where he was laid to rest. A local Celebration of Life is planned to be held at a later date. Memorial contributions in George’s name can be made to: SHS Alumni Association c/o Wayne Goodrich Treasurer P.O. Box 561 Shepherdstown, WV 25443

“Say not in grief he is no more, but live in thankfulness that he was.”