Flowering tulips are a smashing gift to present to a cherished loved one on Valentine’s Day! But never was there such a rush for this bulb, as during the period of "Tulip Mania."
The historical drama, “Tulip Fever,” offers a glimpse into this 17th century time frame, when tulips were ...
The Jefferson County Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) ruled on Jan. 23 that a business located between the Cavaland subdivision and the Shepherdstown Battlefield could have a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to sell, manufacture and test firearms on its property. The vote was 2-1 (the BZA is a ...
Recent data shared in an interview with Chad Alderman, based on his article “Where Are All the Special Educators?” and conducted by Paul Peterson during an airing of Education Exchange Replay, paints a surprising picture — the number of special education teachers in U.S. schools is at an ...
Ever have trouble keeping those New Year’s resolutions about lowering stress, exercising more and improving diet? Gardening, in the home landscape or volunteering in public gardens, may hold the key to honoring those good intentions. In a nutshell, gardening delivers an abundance of benefits ...
Last week was named Winter Weather Awareness Week by Gov. Jim Justice and the West Virginia Emergency Management Division, in collaboration with the NOAA/National Weather Service and ReadyWV.
With the approach of winter in the next few weeks, Justice's announcement was well-timed, so that West ...
While warning bells are often rung over the rampant misuse of donations by major charities, the truth behind the validity of that concern may have never before been as clear as it has been made today.
Results from a recently-released analysis of 2021 publicly available tax returns and 2021 ...
Among the angry mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 was incoming West Virginia Del. Derrick Evans, R-Wayne, who posted a video online from the Capitol interior yelling, “We’re in! … Derrick Evans is in the Capitol!”
His illegal actions demanded a swift and severe ...
On Monday, Gov. Jim Justice announced his executive order mandating face coverings to be worn when a person is in a public indoor space where six feet of social distancing cannot be maintained. Children eight-and-under, people who are eating and people with trouble breathing or the inability to ...
The Historic Shepherdstown Commission and Museum 2025 membership campaign is now underway.
Why should you be a member of the Historic Shepherdstown Commission and Museum?
Because you care about this wonderful, historic, unique and sometimes quirky place … and you like the idea that ...
In America, the concept of freedom is sacrosanct. We wear it like a badge of honor, invoking it in defense of our choices, our beliefs and our very way of life. Yet, too often, our conversations about freedom focus only on what we are free to do, ignoring an equally critical dimension: what we ...
While recently reading an article in the Jan. 3 edition of The Shepherdstown Chronicle about the idea of building a West Virginia Almost Heaven Swing as some sort of tourist attraction in James Rumsey Monument and Park, I couldn’t help but wonder what ever happened to the idea of building a ...
I do not often attend the Shepherdstown Town Council meetings, because I can’t take the excitement – and that is not snark. So much on the other side of silence, in George Eliot’s phrase, comes up, that I might go deaf.
Take the latest, reported on in The Shepherdstown Chronicle and The ...
As I have gotten older I have begin to notice how beautiful some things have become, such as watching the sun come up or standing in a field on a cold night just looking at the stars. Somehow it gives me a certain peace in my life that I have not felt before,The early Chinese teacher Confucius ...
Hello folks. I thought I'd drop a line or two just to fill you in on what's been happening and just to say hello.First, I want to say how much I have missed writing my column As I See It. As some of you have known I have been very ill.Last October I was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia. ...
Christmas is almost here and I could think of a million things to write about the joyful time of year.For me, Christmas has seen many moods and many ways of celebrating the day of Christ's birth. Over the years I have written about some of the ways I have spent Christmas day.When I was young I ...
Well, old 73 has popped up and I have lived to see another birthday. First of all let me thank all of you who have sent me so many messages of kindness an the hope for many more years to come. I have always told friends that I would like to live to be 100 years old, but I have to admit that ...
The escalating rates of pediatric obesity constitute a pressing public health crisis, demanding a multifaceted approach to intervention. Recent research highlights the pivotal role of dietary factors, particularly hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance, in driving this epidemic among children ...
In an era inundated with information, it seems we’ve become paralyzed by fear – not of the news itself, but of its authenticity. The proliferation of misinformation and sensationalized reporting has sown seeds of doubt in our minds, making us question the credibility of every headline that ...
Jefferson County stands out with a diverse voter profile, where Democrats, Republicans and Independents each make up roughly a third of the electorate.
As the political arena intensifies with numerous contested races, it’s crucial for registered Independent voters to actively participate in ...
As a writer born and raised where two rivers join, three states touch and several American centuries commingle, I was fated to a creative life of complex metaphors. The Shenandoah and Potomac rivers that converge at Harpers Ferry, I viewed early on as an unlucky wishbone. My mother was like the ...