As I have gotten older I have begin to notice how beautiful some things have become, such as watching the sun come up or standing in a field on a cold night just looking at the stars. Somehow it gives me a certain peace in my life that I have not felt before,The early Chinese teacher Confucius ...
Hello folks. I thought I'd drop a line or two just to fill you in on what's been happening and just to say hello.First, I want to say how much I have missed writing my column As I See It. As some of you have known I have been very ill.Last October I was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia. ...
Christmas is almost here and I could think of a million things to write about the joyful time of year.For me, Christmas has seen many moods and many ways of celebrating the day of Christ's birth. Over the years I have written about some of the ways I have spent Christmas day.When I was young I ...
Well, old 73 has popped up and I have lived to see another birthday. First of all let me thank all of you who have sent me so many messages of kindness an the hope for many more years to come. I have always told friends that I would like to live to be 100 years old, but I have to admit that ...
In writing this month's column, I wanted to try an entrancement. I waited until the final hour of putting together an article that would be 600 words long and come just from the top of my head without notes or relying to write about another article on my younger years or something that meant a ...
When I was younger the days seemed to last a lot longer. Going back to school was not thought about until the night before the first day of a new school year. Labor Day was a much bigger holiday then what it seems today.On Labor Day, the world, as far as the United States was concerned, came to ...
Well another month has come and gone. This day is hot and humid; I think we will get a summer storm this evening. As I start to write this, another day is nearly done.I marvel at the sunsets we have and the sunrises. They are never the same from day to day. Even when the day starts cloudy, the ...
As I have gotten older the more advice I seem to get. Some of the ideas have been helpful while a lot of them are not worth remembering. All of the advice has come from well meaning people who care about me.One of the pieces of advice that was given I did not follow. It concerned my living ...
The other day I saw a story on TV about the elementary school I attended when I was a very, very young person. The name of the school is the Simon Elementary School, it is located in South East Washington DC. I went to the school in 1953.Because of my birthday being in November I did not start ...
When I was a lot younger there was and even older song which was first herd in 1913 it was called "This Old House". It was written and sung by Bickhardt, Craig/Schuyler, and Thom.The lyrics went like this: "This old house once knew my children This old house once knew my wife This old house ...