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Staying productive, at a cost

By Staff | May 22, 2009

Retirement and working part-time seems possible for many in today’s economy. It is a way to stay financially secure. Social Security payments, though helpful, still come up short at the end of each month.

Working part-time has many benefits, not only in the money received but in the feeling that one is still useful and can still be productive. If a senior is healthy and productive, they have the best of both worlds being retired and having a job doing something they enjoy.

One of the little known drawbacks to this plan comes if an older worker becomes ill and has to take time away from work. Due to the high cost of doctors, hospitalization and medication, many seniors turn to the state and federal government programs there to help senior citizens.

When the senior worker is ready to return to work and also applies for some of the government programs, the problems soon follow. After applying for these programs most seniors find that they are not eligible for any of them because the senior worker is making too much money to qualify. Then a choice has to be made. Do you give up the job or risk higher medical bills, plus the cost of living?

As we get older, the high cost of good quality medical care becomes a serious issue. In choosing, most seniors go for the help from the sate and federal government to defray the medical expenses.

For people less fortunate, this kind of decision can be a disaster. Most people look forward to working, even after they retire. And because of the economy a lot of people have opted to keep working.

Seniors cannot help but feel that the system it self is actually punishing people who wish to keep working but can’t because they would not meet the standards for qualifying for government help with medical bills and other household expenses.

Surprisingly, many people are unsympathetic to this challenge. As one person put it “These programs are there to help people who really need the help.”

People who have been working all of their lives should be able to use some programs without being penalized for still wanting to be productive.

We should still be able to work and pay into the system. Hopefully, in the years to come as more people turn 65 and wish to keep working, there will be a new system in place to help them help themselves without having to give up their jobs.