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Prioritizing personal finance education: A step toward financial empowerment

By Donna Joy - Guest Columnist | Mar 29, 2024

As April approaches, it’s time to shine a spotlight on an often overlooked but crucial aspect of education — personal finance.

For the past six years, I’ve dedicated my efforts to advocating for comprehensive personal finance education in our high schools. This endeavor culminated in the passage of a bill requiring students to earn at least 0.5 credits in personal finance before graduation. This landmark legislation signifies a significant step forward in preparing our graduates for the financial challenges they’ll face in the real world.

Empowering students with financial literacy is not only a personal passion, but also a societal imperative. By equipping our youth with the knowledge and skills to navigate complex financial decisions, we’re setting them up for long-term success and stability. With the passage of this bill, our graduates will be better prepared to manage their finances responsibly, avoid debt pitfalls and make informed decisions about their financial futures.

But our commitment to financial education doesn’t stop at legislation.

Each year, I’ve made it a point to provide our graduates with a free personal finance book to further support their journey towards financial literacy. This year is no exception. If you’re a parent or guardian of a graduating Jefferson County senior and would like to receive a complimentary copy of this invaluable resource, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me — supplies are limited. Together, we can ensure that every graduate has access to the tools they need to thrive financially.

Additionally, I’m excited to announce an opportunity for West Virginia teachers who are interested in furthering their own education in economics. Through a free online master’s degree program, teachers can deepen their understanding of economic principles and gain valuable insights to incorporate into their classrooms. If you are a teacher interested in taking advantage of this opportunity, please contact me, and I’ll connect you with the relevant parties overseeing the grant.

As we celebrate National Financial Literacy Month this April, let’s recommit ourselves to the cause of financial education. By working together to prioritize personal finance in our schools and communities, we can empower future generations to achieve financial security and prosperity. Let’s seize this opportunity to make a positive impact on the financial well-being of our youth and pave the way for a brighter future for all.

Donna Joy, of Shepherdstown, is currently completing her first term on the Jefferson County Board of Education. She is running for reelection this year. She can be reached at DonnaJoyBOE@gmail.com.