Editorial Page — Our Opinion
Jefferson County Board of Education Cultural Diversity Department will host Tyree Sterling in area middle schools to discuss bullying with students.
This afternoon he will visit Shepherdstown Middle School to promote his “Rock Your Mic” message. Sterling’s message goes beyond what people perceive it to mean on the surface. It doesn’t just mean music. Sterling encourages all individuals to rock their talents in their own way.
He will also use dance, comedy and positive hip-hop to break down bullying as a nationwide epidemic. According to a video message on Sterling’s website, four groups are involved in bullying the bully, the victim, the crowd and the authority.
In these assemblies, Sterling will address the crowd, or the eyes witnessing the bullying. In his video message, he said it’s important to know the difference between reporting and tattling when individuals see bullying happening.
Sterling is a young and engaging speaker from the region and is breaking down this tough subject with a medium that the young students today can relate to hip hop.
By hearing more individuals like Sterling, it’s with hope that students will think twice before bullying another student. And hopefully those in “the crowd” will also report the act sooner so something can be done about it.
For more information about Sterling’s program, visit www.rockyourmic.com.